Summer’s Almost Over, But….

Summer is almost over, but it is still hot in Texas. It’s still 90-100 degrees outside and all of this fall fashion is coming in. So we’ll keep on wearing our shorts until this weather cools down.

For one, I don’t like that “no white after labor day” rule. I’ve worn so many white tops, blazers and vests over the summer, I can’t stop! The off-the-shoulder trend has exploded this season and it looks like it will continue into fall. I’m here for it. This particular top is from Boohoo, and it’s on clearance right now! I thought it was too flowy and shapeless or me, but that’s when you improvise. Tucking it into the front of your bottoms or tying a knot in the front to give it some shape always works with loose tops. It has an elastic band around the neckline, which makes it even more comfortable.


I NEVER wear shorts. I always do short skirts. I’ve even worn a skort, but I haven’t worn shorts in a while. And these are SHORT. They’re from Torrid, who gave us many lengths this summer. This particular pair is the 3.5 inch short. I wanted these because they have the cutest lace and beads on the side. I often opt out of wearing shorts because of chub rub. With a skirt, I can wear some shorts underneath that will prevent that, but shorts are different for me. No matter what I put on, my thighs rub and start hurting. Oh well. Next year, definitely try some of Torrid’s shorts. They come in 3.5 to 11 inch Bermuda shorts. I hate Bermuda shorts, but hey…


I’m always looking for bae lmao



Me thinking about Fall Fashion (I can’t wait!!!) haha


So show those legs off, regardless of what people say. It’s too damn hot to be worried about covering up because of what people think. You are beautiful and it’s ok to show it off.

Top- Boohoo, Shorts & Necklace- Torrid

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